Why Spanco PVC Roofing Sheets are best for your house?

Why Spanco PVC Roofing Sheets are best for your house?

Selecting the appropriate roofing sheets can feel overwhelming, as it directly impacts the roof’s durability and lifespan.
Let me take a few minutes to explain.

Roofing sheets are available in two main types –

  • PVC
  • Metal

While bitumen, polystyrene, and fiber cement are also viable alternatives.
Typically, these sheets are made from various materials, each boasting distinct properties suitable for different roof types and applications.

1. PVC Roofing Sheets

PVC roofing sheets, which encompass polycarbonate, acrylic, polystyrene, and PVC variants, are approved for specific structures like buildings, conservatories, and garages. However, when it comes to domestic or commercial full roofs, opting for a more resilient roofing solution is essential to ensure structural stability. For a rapid and cost-effective finishing option on workshops or outdoor offices, corrugated PVC roofing sheets can be an excellent choice. In general, PVC roofing, including the high-quality Spanco Roofing sheets, is well-suited for flat roof applications and imparts a more traditional aesthetic appeal.

2. Metal Roofing Sheets

Metal roofing sheets find widespread usage in various applications such as backyard sheds, garages, industrial buildings, and garden roofing. Their exceptional durability is evident in the longevity of stainless steel roofing on certain church roofs that remain intact to this day. Moreover, the contemporary and modern appearance achieved by combining metal roofing with steel guttering makes it a popular choice for both existing and newly constructed houses.

What type of roofing sheets are most suitable for different roofs?

Here’s a list of factors to consider before determining the best choice.

Metal Table

1 Lightweight, easy to install, and weight is usually better for extreme weather Heavy, difficult to install and work with it in windy weather
2 Highly durable hence, long life expectancy Less durable compared to metal sheets
3 Easy to clean, resistant to corrosion and chemicals High maintenance, not resistant to corrosion and chemicals, and weakens gradually with longer duration of rains
4 Quite cheap and affordable More expensive than PVC sheets
5 Special kind of paint is needed to paint the PVC panels Can be painted very easily
6 Can be installed in places that need natural light from through the roof like sheds, warehouses, carports, etc. Can be installed while constructing backyards, garages, garden buildings, and industrial roofs, and household cladding, etc

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